
named you
to speak for this place?

I named myself,

crowned myself
in evergreens
(there are no laurels

And as for the land,
it’s never minded
when any bird
or wild thing

added a voice
to its own.

Sure, I named myself Poet Laureate of Kilowatt Park, at least for 2022. But nothing would make me happier than to share that title with others. If you want to join me in this project, please let me know. Your poems, songs, choreography, watercolors, photos, stand-up routines, quilts, carvings, sketches, cakes, stories, and puppet shows about our neighborhood park are all welcome, and I’ll do what I can to help share them with the world.

And if you decide you’d rather be Poet Laureate of Boston Lot or the Hazen Trail or the Hartford Community Garden or the Upper Valley Haven or the Hartland Diner or the Hanover Circle K or any other local place, that’s amazing. Consider yourself crowned. You officially have someone’s permission, so nobody can stop you now but yourself. Go write something beautiful.

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